In my quest for the ultimate mix of cardio and strength training I’ve discovered that my own kids make excellent free weights! They’re ergonomically designed and come in 30, 40, and 50 pound sizes. Who needs a gym or Wii boxing when you have 6, 4, and 2 year old munchkins to sprint, catch, and release? The fact that they’re usually carrying a juice box or gummy bears is also a handy way to hydrate and stay energized during a workout. Plus, running around with Dad in the backyard is a jackpot of childhood memories. So, everyone wins!
NOTE: It’s best to use your own children during this workout as neighbors may not appreciate you tossing around (and potentially dropping) their kids. Getting your doctor’s or spouse’s clearance prior to the workout is completely up to you.
1. Warm Up: A spirited game of tag or general chasing will suffice. (Tip: Avoid knocking down toddlers during the warm up because a tantrum (theirs, not yours) or a scraped knee will quickly kibosh your entire workout.)After the workout everyone can recover with a lemonade, a Popsicle, and maybe a nap. Trust me, you’ll need one.
2. Jumping Jacks: Old school, baby! Get all the kids in a row. Let one of them be the “leader”. Practice counting. In Spanish!
3. Dungeon Carry: Find something you can lift your kids onto like a short garden table or plastic Little Tikes slide. This is the “dungeon”. Tell them to escape and then chase them around the yard, catch them, put them on your shoulders (keep running!) and take them back to the dungeon. Two or three kids of varying weights (20-50 lbs) are ideal. This is like doing wind sprints with bags of potatoes!
4. Stroller Sprints: Get your stroller (preferably a “runner” friendly model) and plop in a kid. On a sidewalk or backyard, run at a reasonably fast pace for 50 yards. Turn around and run back to the starting point. Switch out kids. Try not to be distracted by squeals of delight. Repeat 10 times.
5. Punching Bag: That means YOU! Line up the kids and let them give you their best shot in the gut. Keep those abs tight and a smile on your face. Warning: Small kids are very short so beware of punches below the belt. ; )
What’s great about this workout is that it’s the ultimate in multitasking. You get a great workout and fun playtime with the kids. And, you don’t need a gym or any fitness equipment in the process.
If your kids happen to be over the age of 15… well, that’s a different story and probably a totally killer workout!